

Part Four: The Cornucopia

The wine the PCs are offered is Jeggarian 4683, known as “The Blood” for its rich red hue -anyone making a DC 20 Knowledge (local) check realizes this is an incredible vintage.
PCが出されるワインはJeggarian 4683です、その豊かな赤い色のため「Blood」として知っています- 知識(地域)チェック DC 20で誰でもこれが素晴らしいビンテージであると理解します。

The six courses are as follows:
PM 7:00
The Feast of the Gluttonous Wolf: This course consists of beef marrow fritters, boiled side of axebeak, loach flavored with spices and sage, eels in jelly, and smoked fillet of giant gar set in jellied aspic.

PM 8:00
The Worshipful Hog: This course consists of roast peacock, thick broth with salty strips of worg flank, fresh chuul soup served with Chelish black bread, and a roast dire boar of such size that it takes 12 bearers to bring it into the Garden.

PM 9:00
The Fat of the Land: This course consists of honey-roasted hogfish, venison, sturgeon, and lampreys in hot sauce.
In addition, a vast caravan of fruits and breads, olives, jars of curious pickles, huge stuffed peppers, figs, dates and honeycombs is offered as well.

PM 10:00
The Dance of the Engorged Vulture: This course consists of whole roast baby squid served with honey sauce, minted lamb with fresh vegetables, sauced hatchling alligator, tureens of cod spawn in garlic, and leveret stewed in wine and parsley.

PM 11:00
The Ambrosial Serpents: A particularly unsettling course that involves the guests eating live serpents that have been gorged on drugged mice and other mind-altering substances.

The snakes are harmless, but PCs not expecting them might be shocked at discovering living reptiles upon lifting a platter’s lid.

PM 12:00
The InsatiableHungers: This last “course” consists of exotic tobaccos and potent liquors that deliver the coup de grace, rendering many guests insensible and resulting in what can only be called an orgy.